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C21L Leadership Development Wheel

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Our workplaces have changed

A new model of leadership is needed: one that reflects leadership in the 21st Century

Learn the 9 Themes and 37 Skills That will Tranform Your Leadership Approach 

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Leadership Skills, Tools and Brain Science Insights for
Future and High Performing 21st Century Leaders

The C21L Wheel Principles

The C21L Leadership Development Wheel is designed to promote self-managed leadership development in individuals that:

  • takes account of the particular pressures and context of a 21st century workplace

  • is evidence based in relevant science and industry best practise

  • promotes leadership skills for both ‘WHAT’ leaders need to achieve and ‘HOW’ they need to behave in doing so

  • complements management development

  • supports leadership development as an ongoing, self-managed career journey

Good leadership relationships
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The Current Leadership Challenge

A C21 Leader’s job is to keep their own, and others brains at the sweet spot of performance

  • Humans performs at their best when neither under nor over stimulated by the demands placed upon them.

  • The human brain is programmed to avoid ‘threat’ and move toward ‘reward’ experiences

  • Science has proven that we monitor ‘threat’ and ‘reward’ in relation to both practical and relational factors.  We feel social pain in the same brain regions as physical pain and apply the same ‘avoid’ or ‘toward’ responses in relation to both.

  • Our performance is directly influenced by our monitoring and interpretation of this ‘threat:reward’ balance in relation to our experience of both the ‘task/practical’ and ‘relational/human’ aspects of the workplace.

  • The 21st century workplace can be a challenging place, and much of how it operates runs counter to the principles known to optimise brain and therefore work performance.  This can promote stress which can manifest in various psychological, physiological and relational ways.

  •  A good C21 leader will lead in a manner that takes account of the above, for both themselves and those they lead

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Online Access

The C21L Wheel details the "WHAT" and "HOW" of effective Leadership. Focussing on evidence based Brain science and research, the Wheel covers the 9 key themes and 37 skills that define the modern-day leader. Applicable to individuals or on an organisation-wide scale, click on the button below to purchase your acesss the C21L Leadership Wheel. The C21L Wheel can be accessed via our Learning Management System (LMS) Portal. Built to house our modules, lessons and extensive resources, the LMS is simple to access and navigate. 

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The What and the How

The C21L Wheel approaches leadership from the "What" and "How" perspective.


Reognising that leaders ultimaely have to acheive tangible results, this can only truly be maximised when leaders impart psychological safety in thier peers and in their staff. 

The C21L Wheel provides leaders with a development toolkit which will allow them to focus on the "What" and "How" priority themes 

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9 Themes, 37 Skills

The C21L Wheel is focusses on Promoting an Organisation, Creating a Compelling Vision, Aligning Others to the Vision, Executing Plans, Managing Change and Uncertainty, Demonstrating Resilience, Taking Balanced Decisions, Emotional Intelligence, Fostering Strong Relationships as well as a further 37 sub skills which underpin the 9 themes.

Image by Nick Fewings

Extensive Resources

The C21L Wheel is based firmly around brain science and provides you with a wide range of learning resources to help gain leadership insight.


Supporting you with leadership coaching, videos, books, further wesbites references, podcast and scientific references, our topic specific resources provide a range of ways to read, watch and listen at your own pace.


Optional Coaching 

As you embark on your learning journey it may prove helpful to be supported by one of our experienced Leadership Development Coaches.


With expertise in all aspects of leadership development, our Coaches can suport you to focus in on paricualr areas of development and help you plan future high performance and long-term personal and career success

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